Nov 26, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I do look forward to reading this book, although some of it might be painful. I especially want to read that you have healed. I know that this was a sad period in your life. We cannot change the past. We can only move forward toward the future.

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Nov 25, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

And here I thought I was the bravest one. You inspire me. How lucky I am to be part of your miracles journey. Keep going!

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I would love to read this book. Everyone I know has been affected, either directly or indirectly, by abortion. I have read stories & books on this subject and it seems like the range of emotions of the authors is wide & vast. I do believe in miracles and am looking forward to read your story. I love you, dear.

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Thank you so much for these words and for your support. You're right that abortion is a complex issue and as unique as every individual. Everyone knows many people who have had an abortion, but most people won't just give that information away. If you know that you know, i's an indication that you are a compassionate person with a kind and non-judgmental manner. On behalf of everyone who has suffered in silence, thank you for your love.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I would like to read your book Elizabeth. I worked as a Nurse Practitioner at CSUChico student health for over 30 years. I counseled many young women who had to make similar decisions. I can say most were sad and hurt but felt it was their only option at the time. Education and talking were critical for their healing and a supportive family most of all. Thank you for sharing.


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Thank you Kathy for your comment here and thank you for your service to anyone who ever needed your listening ear and kind counsel. I wish abortion were not such a taboo topic. If people felt they could speak freely they would be better able to make such a decision outside the influence of fear. The possibility of opening up the topic even a little is a huge motivator for writing.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd


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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I look forward to reading this book :)

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Nov 26, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I would absolutely be interested in reading your journey of healing and am heartened to know in advance that you have found it. One thing I remind myself when I start to feel regrets about past decisions is that everything I chose before, led to what is now. In other words, do I regret everything in my life now? Do you look at your children and only feel sadness for one thing that might have been, or do you rejoice in the beauty of what you have now because of your past decisions? Perhaps both things can happen simultaneously. I would wager that being through your experience has made you an even better and more appreciative mother, and there is beauty in that as well.

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Thank you for your thoughtful words. One of the things I will bring up in the book (which you clearly expressed) is that nothing is truly a mistake because every step simply leads to the moment in which we find ourselves. I will be sure to feature this point in a future article. Much love to you and cheers to continued healing.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Elizabeth Boyd

I thought of you yesterday during savasena. My yoga teacher did a little guided meditation where we were walking a path and came to a crossroads. We had to choose one path and on that path we found a jewel. Then she had us turn around and go back to the other path and along the second path another jewel was found. No matter what path we choose there is beauty to be found! ❤️

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Erin, this is beautiful, profound, and true. Thank you for sharing.

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